4 PERS. | 55 MIN.

Smokey beef ramen



800 g Irish rib-eye

For the broth:
2l beef stock Bouillon Herkules
5 spring onions
1 tablespoon of grated fresh ginger
1 clove of garlic
40g red miso pasta
250g ramen noodles
lime juice (to taste)

200g of baked shiitake mushrooms
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1/4th  Pointed cabbage – cut julienne-style
1 sweet paprika – cut julienne-style
4 soft-boiled eggs
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 red pepper (to taste)


Recipe by The BBQ Bastard

For the ramen noodles
 Add a little oil to a large casserole and sauté the grated ginger, garlic and 4 of the finely chopped spring onions.

Stir in the red miso pasta, let it cook for 2 minutes and add the stock. Taste and season with lime juice.

Let it simmer gently while you perform the remaining steps. Just before serving, add the sesame oil and stir well.

Smoky beef
Prepare your BBQ for an indirect session at low temperature (+ -100 ° C) to grill the steak according to the reverse sear method. Add a block of smoking wood between the coals and smoke the steak to a core temperature of 48 ° C

Remove the steak from the heat and let it rest while you remove the plate setter from the BBQ and try to get the temperature as high as possible.

Grill the steak on high heat so that you get a nice crust and the core temperature does not rise too high.

Finely chop the sweet pepper, red pepper and spring onions.

Cut slices of the shiitake and fry them. Deglaze with the fish sauce.

Boil an egg for 4 minutes for a soft-boiled result. Allow to cool down and carefully remove the shell.

Boil the noodles in the broth. Take a deep bowl and put the toppings in it with some noodles. Pour over the stock and finish with the egg, finely chopped red pepper and the thinly sliced ​​smoked rib-eye.

Take your chopsticks and enjoy your meal!